Wednesday 10 March 2010


Benjamin Gilbert - Sleep

"I could never finally figure out if more things happened in the sixties because there was more awake time for them to happen in (since so many people were on amphetamine), or if people started taking amphetamine because there were so many things to do that they needed to have more awake time to do them in... Seeing everybody so up all the time made me think that sleep was becoming pretty obsolete, so I decided I'd better quickly do a movie of a person sleeping." ANDY WARHOL 

Sunday 31 January 2010

In the future we'll be famous

In the future we'll be famous for fifteen minutes?
In the future we'll be famous for ten.
In the future we'll be famous for glastonbury.
In the future we'll be famous for you.

In the future we'll be famous because you pay well.
In the future we'll be famous because you don't
...but we love you

In the future we'll be famous for ever and ever (amen).
In the future we'll be famous because it's environmentally 'sound' (green).

In the future will be (like not) famous
In the future we'll shut the door
In the future we'll be at the epi centre
In the future we won't be anymore

Saturday 23 January 2010

Torvill & Dean loved my flowers

Well T&D seem to be everywhere at the moment. AND I mean everywhere. I feel bad (now) about the time I was their flower girl at Basingstoke ice rink. I think I tripped. I think I sprayed ice on Jayne and Chris. My flowers were lovely though. And they did say 'Thank you. Aren't you lovely'. But then again I was 7 or 8 years old. I probably did look lovely in a sparkly all in one.